The West is a classic theme for photography. Great images of Western landscapes have been produced for 100+ years. For most of my images I start with an intention or explore a scene by perceiving what the environment is saying at that moment. It’s not always the grand vision that is the most important element, rather it is the silent moment before the shout, the overlooked element, or what exists in the shadows that is most interesting to me.
For the most part, these are not ‘perfect’ photographs – they are not meant to be. Far from being ‘Ansel Adams’ they are more sidewalk sketches. Instead of showing what is there, my intention is that they communicate my impression of how it feels to be there. For me, that is what is most important.

This gallery showcases some of the prints that are available for purchase. Clicking on an image (or the [+] to the right of the title) will redirect to the Pictorem site. All of the images were meant for large scale printing. Please use the <- and -> arrow keys to advance through the images.